domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

Recopilación de estudios y artículos sobre la alienación parental 2016

Recopilación de estudios y artículos sobre la alienación parental como nueva forma de maltrato infantil
(2016, Colibrí Europa, Sariego,JL)

Dr. Antonio Andreoli, a psychiatrist in Geneva, Switzerland, published this article about the Medea syndrome in a medical journal. The article addresses the clinical, diagnostic, and legal aspects of parental alienation, as well as treatment strategies.

Article by 12 members of PASG, which provides criteria for identifying expertise in parental alienation.

Amy J. L. Baker and her colleagues have studied long-term effects of exposure to alienating behaviors as children. In this retrospective study, previously exposed Italian college students reported poor functioning with respect to self-esteem, depression, adult attachment styles, and other issues.

Amy J. L. Baker and her colleagues have studied long-term effects of exposure to alienating behaviors as children. In this retrospective study, previously exposed adults reported higher rates of major depressive disorder, insecure attachment styles, and other problems.

DSM-5 diagnoses that relate to children with PA.

Article in peer-reviewed psychiatric publication, which explains the DSM-5 diagnoses that apply to parental alienation and other problems manifested by children of high-conflict divorce.

Three articles regarding PA in The Judges' Journal: introduction by Judge Stephanie Domitrovich; allegations that PAS is "junk science," by Rebecca M. Thomas and James T. Richardson; article about "misinformation versus facts" by William Bernet.

Eric Carbó, who has conducted research on PAS deniers, published "Two Hypotheses on the Fanatical Denial of Parental Alienation Syndrome."

The file contains: the original article by Miguel Clemente and Dolores Padilla-Racero; the critical commentary by William Bernet, Maria Cristina Verrocchio, and Stanley Korosi; and the response of the Clemente and Padilla-Racero to the critical commentary.

This article was published in Derecho de Familia, Revista Interdisciplinaria de Doctrina y Jurisprudencia

Parental alienation has been discussed in several encyclopedias for mental health and legal professionals.

Gardner's classic paper in which he first described parental alienation syndrome.

Joan Kelly and Janet Johnston criticized some aspects of Gardner's parental alienation syndrome and presented a reformulation, referring to "the alienated child" rather than "parental alienation."

Heleen Koppejan-Luitze wrote this paper as a student at Open Universiteit in the Netherlands.

The treatment approaches are based on the eight manifestations of parental alienation, as described by R. Gardner.

Quotations from Canadian cases, that traditional psychotherapy is not effective with severe PA.

This lengthy overview of parental alienation by PASG member Olga Odinetz was published in a French magazine for the general public, leRotarien.

Research proposal, objective measures for differentiating alienation and estrangement.

Parental Alienation International (PAI) is the bimonthly newsletter of PASG. Use the link to accesss past issues of PAI and for information about contacting the editor of PAI.

Brief descriptions of the activities and interests of all PASG members.

Kathleen Reay's description of Family Reflections, an intervention for severe parental alienation.

A propósito del síndrome de alienación parental

Revista de Derecho de Familia. Num. 44 09/09 Ed. Lex Nova Sobre construcción jurídica de la alienación parental como forma de maltrato infantil.

Amy J. L. Baker and Maria Cristina Verrocchio have published several articles that show correlations between childhood exposure to parental conflict and alienating behaviors to subsequent well-being as adults. This article is one example of their research.

Here is the abstract of the "PA Fallacies" article by Richard Warshak, with instructions on how to obtain the entire article.

Richard Warshak's description of Family Bridges, an intervention for severe parental alienation.

An important, lengthy overview of parental alienation by Richard Warshak, which was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

An award-winning paper regarding the conceptualization of parental alienation as a disorder or a syndrome.

Nelson Zicavo Martínez, a psychologist in Chile, published "Parental Alienation and the Process of Parentectomy" in Revista Cubana de Psicología.

Otros artículos y enlaces de interés:

1.- Children Held Hostage: Identifying Brainwashed Children, Presenting a Case, and Crafting Solutions, Second Edition

2.- C. Segura, MJ. Gil y MA. Sepúlveda

El síndrome de alienación parental: una forma de maltrato infantil. The parental alienation syndrome: a way of mistreatment on children.

The traditional model of family has suffered in the last years important changes and a great increase of splitting and divorces have been produced. It's important to guarantee the fundamental right of children to be related adequately with both parents, mother and father, keeping on all their affective attachments. However, sometimes one of the progenitors hinders the relationship among the other one with their children, and it leads to the Parental Alienation Syndrome, one of the most subtle ways of mistreatment in children, almost unknown up to now, although it is getting transcendence since it produces an important damage in the emotional welfare and the development of children affected. Parental Alienation Syndrome is presented in this paper as a way of children abuse and some kind of mistreating behaviours, psychopathological consequences on childhood and the ways to intervene are exposed. Two cases taken from our experience in the Familiar Meeting Point Service of Seville, where the existence of this syndrome has been detected, as well as the ways of intervention are also presented.

3.- Marisa Sacristan, presidenta de la Federación Nacional de Puntos de Encuentro (FEDEPE),: PEF: uno de cada cuatro niños sufre el llamado Síndrome de Alienación Parental - EL MUNDO 04-08-2002.

4.- Comunitat Valenciana Más del 20% de los menores atendidos en los puntos de encuentro familiar padecen el síndrome de alienación parental según el Conseller de Justicia

5.- Melilla, informe sobre alienación parental

6.- Aragón, los PEF detectan casos de alienación parental

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