miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017


William Bernet, M.D. – April 4, 2017


            The International Classification of Diseases is published by the World Health Organization (WHO).  The current edition is called ICD-10, which is being revised and will become ICD-11.  WHO says that ICD-11 will be published in 2018.  The revision process has gone on for several years, but it seems that only now have they started to draft the text for topics such as relationship problems and child maltreatment.  

            If you want to participate in the development of ICD-11, the first step is to register with ICD-11 Beta Draft.  You can Google that phrase and you’ll get to their home page, which is: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd11/browse/f/en.  There is a button on the upper right hand corner for “Register,” so you go there and fill out their forms.  After you are registered, you can go to the various parts of their large website that may interest you.

            Within the ICD-11 Beta Draft website you will be able to make a comment about something already in their system or simply indicate that you agree or disagree with a previous comment. 


            On the ICD-11 Beta Draft website, the outline of the entire ICD-11 is on the left hand side of the page.  Information that relates to parental alienation is NOT under the heading, “Mental, behavioural, and neurodevelopmental disorders,” although you might want to look under that heading to see what is there.

            Information that relates to parental alienation is toward the bottom of the list under the heading, “Factors influencing health status or contact with health services.”  (That section is similar to the part of DSM-5 called “Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention.”)

Under “Factors influencing health status or contact with health services” there is a subheading called “Factors influencing health status.”  Expand that file.

There are 17 items under “Factors influencing health status,” including “Factors associated with relationships.”

Expand the file for “Factors associated with relationships” and you will find “Factors associated with interpersonal relationships in childhood.”

Expand that file and you will finally find “Caregiver-child relationship problem.”  (That is comparable to the DSM-5 term, “parent-child relational problem.”)  If you explore under “Caregiver-child relationship problem,” you will eventually see both “parental alienation” and “parental estrangement.”  If you are registered and logged in, each of those terms has a small orange marker.  Click on the markers and you will see that I have already added proposals to include the definitions of parental alienation and parental estrangement.

NOTE:  You can skip all the steps described here by simply using the Beta Draft search function.  If you search for “parental alienation,” you will immediately go to the page for “Caregiver-child relationship problem.”


            You can navigate within the Beta Draft even if you are not registered with ICD-11.  If you are not registered and logged in, you can see “parental alienation” and “parental estrangement” under “Caregiver-child relationship problem.”  However, unless you are registered and logged in, you cannot see the definitions that I have proposed and you cannot add your own comments.

            If you do register and log in, you can make comments.  In particular, you can AGREE (or DISAGREE) with the definitions that I have already posted.  Also, you can add your own COMMENT.  Make sure you hit SUBMIT or SEND YOUR COMMENT after you enter something.

            If you have questions about any of this, you can contact me at

Sentencia de cambio de custodia a favor del padre por impedimento de contacto

   SENTENCIA     Ponferrada, 19 de noviembre de 2024     Habiendo visto los presentes AUTOS DE MODIFICACIÓN DE MEDIDAS DEFINITIVAS número 64...